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            Project Scope can be explained as a naughty child in a family. Sometimes, families provide their child with everything he wishes, and as a next stage, a child does not know the boundaries of his family and dreams. Project Scope is also a similar version of this scenario. If you do not put boundaries of any project, project manager and supervisor may face some waste of assets during this period.

            Scope Management techniques help project managers to allocate just the right amount of work necessary to complete a project successfully (1). In the project scope, there are some requirements that should be included as below:

  • Interviews
  • Focus groups
  • Group creativity tec ... Read more »
Category: Project Scope | Views: 847 | Added by: vaqifxasayev97 | Date: 07.12.2016 | Comments (0)

One of the first tasks when managing a project is the cost estimate. A cost estimate

must be accurate, transparent and reliable. These factors are particularly important for a small business because its resources are limited. Using standard techniques give accurate results, and their reliability is high as long as the inputs used for the calculations are exact. When you calculate project costs using effective cost-estimating techniques, you will be able to assign corresponding resources and develop schedules to manage the project the project successfully. (1)

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Category: Estimate Cost | Views: 579 | Added by: vaqifxasayev97 | Date: 07.12.2016 | Comments (0)

            Before starting the paper, I would like to tell real story about the sponsorship. Once, I and my team had met to Kapital Bank’s the director of the marketing department in order to get sponsorship for our project, I could not forget her impression. She said: “Firstly, have you got an appointment in advance? Do you have a charter of your project? Guys, do you think that you have a chance to get any sponsorship from our bank?”

            Before meeting with sponsors, the projects must have their project charter because of preventing them from big financial issues. The basic purpose of a project charter is to authorize the project manager to start the approved project and allow him to use organizational resources to accomplish the obj ... Read more »

Category: Sponsor | Views: 835 | Added by: vaqifxasayev97 | Date: 07.12.2016 | Comments (1)

At previous papers we have seen what project and project management are and what is project management life cycle and its phases. In this paper I would like to focus more on human factor in project management and clarify one of its stake holders.

Stakeholders have varying levels of responsibility and authority when participating on a project. This level can change over the course of the project’s life cycle. Their involvement may range from occasional contributions in surveys and focus groups to full project sponsorship which includes providing financial, political, or other support. Some stakeholders may also detract from the success of the project, either passively or actively. Stakeholder identification is a continuous process throughout the entire project life cycle. Identifying stakeholders, understanding their relativ ... Read more »

Category: Sponsor | Views: 690 | Added by: Vaqif0000 | Date: 07.12.2016 | Comments (0)

Too often, when we say ‘project sponsor’ we think of a person who is responsible who is securing project funds and has a benefit in a case of success of the project. However, in reality the engaged executive sponsor can mean the difference between success and failure. Before discussing the topic in more details, let me tell you a story of one project which demonstrated how crucial the role of the sponsorship is.

The sponsor, let’s call him Mike, was a division manager with 30 years dedicated to the same company. He himself proposed a very good project to outsource half of his division and create a new organization which will hold all assets. For the organization that would be a perfect project because it aligns with the organizational strategy. Moreover, if the project succeeded it would result in cost reduction, improved service levels ... Read more »

Category: Sponsor | Views: 565 | Added by: Vaqif0000 | Date: 07.12.2016 | Comments (0)

According to Dr. Martin Barners “At its most fundamental, project management is about people getting things done.” It is simply about what you want to achieve, how you are going to achieve it, and how long it will take. Project management contains 5 phases for attaining the success when it is completed which are initiating, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling process, closure. Initially, the goals are defined, objectives are developed to achieve the aims as an initiating part of project management. Furthermore, the project is planned by the determining the scope of project which is necessary enough for estimating the cost and the time required for completing the project. Also, the quality of the materializing the processes is considered within the planning of the project. Thirdly, the execut ... Read more »

Category: What is Project Management | Views: 601 | Added by: vhuseynli2019 | Date: 07.12.2016 | Comments (0)

When today’s business environment is analysed, it becomes certain that due to intense competition and globalisation, corporations are looking for the ways to increase productivity with a limited budgets, resources and make correct decision in order to continue their operations successfully. Therefore, increasing effective and efficient usage of resources and gaining competitive advantage requires great ability of management of certain tasks or projects in a timely manner which overcomes challenges, makes a company flexible to adjust to change and achieve higher performance. For this reason, project management becomes essential to most corporations since it contributes to the overall success of firms.

Before realising the meaning and role of project management in business world, it is useful to analyse what the project its ... Read more »

Category: What is Project Management | Views: 570 | Added by: vhuseynli2019 | Date: 07.12.2016 | Comments (0)

There are some certain skills that are obligation for a proejct manager to be most successful, as project manager is a “must” for every project. It is thought that the project finishes when all the stages below are done:

* Project Integration Management

* Project Scope Management

* Project Time Management

* Project Cost Management

* Project Quality Management

* Project Human Resource Management

* Project Communications Management

* Project Risk Management

* Project Procurement Management

* Project Stakeholder Management

In order to be named as a professional project manager, you must pass some tests completely and get certificate in this field. Studies show that 40 percent of participants have failed from the first exam. Despite the fact that this percentage seems a ... Read more »

Category: What is Project Management | Views: 626 | Added by: vhuseynli2019 | Date: 07.12.2016 | Comments (0)

Project management is the process of organizing the way that changes are implemented efficiently within an organization. Many businesses achieve their goals by completing projects that contribute to their objectives. Often, projects have a fınite length, involve a number of activities and people, and have deadlines and fixed budgets. Project managers plan and monitor these, and take corrective action when appropriate.

Project management involves planning and organization of a company's resources to move a specific task, event or duty toward completion. It typically involves a one-time project rather than an ongoing activity, and resources managed include human Capital and fınancial Capital. A project manager helps to define the goals and objectives of the project and determines when the various project components are to be completed and by whom; he also creates quality control checks ... Read more »

Category: What is Project Management | Views: 552 | Added by: vhuseynli2019 | Date: 07.12.2016 | Comments (0)

Project management is the art of taking uncertainty and transforming it into (near) certainty. For a given project, constraints are defıned, and the project manager is expected to deliver within those constraints.People mainly think about the “triple-constraints” model of scope, cost, and time, but there are actually six constraints to consider:

•             Quality (“Good”)

•             Time (“Fast”)

•             Cost (“Cheap”)

•             Scope

•             Risk

•&n ... Read more »

Category: What is Project Management | Views: 566 | Added by: vhuseynli2019 | Date: 07.12.2016 | Comments (0)

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